the moving pictures
Caution: the first 15 seconds are basically all puppy butt.
has found a new home at
Sometimes, when you love your audience very much, you have to lie to them. Not little lies, lies so great and raging that they would destroy nations.
Four days without posting followed by a tortuously verbose post that is a thinly guised fart joke (belated spoiler warning!) without a punch line. And that really isn't even all that funny. It is clear that rockyandarthur blog has fallen into decline, and much like ancient Rome, will enter a period of grotesque decadence and uninhibited savagery before its untimely demise. Thus, in the spirit of dragging out this shameful display and bringing the maximum allowed amount of of uncouth wantonness, there will be a surprise guest blogger introduced tomorrow.
Researchers at the Institute for Advanced Puppology have come up with an elegant theory of binary canine behavioral mechanics that has set the scientific community ablaze. M. Homard, with the aid of archivists at the Two Pups Historical Society, has discovered a startling correlation between the cordiality coefficient of a pup and an environmental disturbance he calls the SCF factor.
Having apparently taken this to heart, Arthur decided to make a showing at a conformation match on Saturday in the hopes of earning some respect.
For anyone watching outside the house at around 6:58pm the pup that did the Looney Tunes-style running skid* was none other than Fats McGee.
Rocky: gazes deep into your eyes, smiling like your best buddy in the world. He's your best buddy, why wouldn't you let him eat his dinner? If that doesn't work, the smile ventures into greasy car salesman territory before it is gone forever, replaced by the sleepy godfather gaze, the calm exterior hiding the savageness within. If you wait this long to let him have his food, beware that no fingers and toes are in his way.
Rockbert Herrick: